[가사] You're the only one(Male ver.)-케빈오(Kevin Oh) | 금수저(The Golden Spoon) OST Part 3 Lyrics

 I see me in your eyes

Imagine me in you

Someday we’ll realize 

in some ways it’s true

For a second make believe 

and wander through the night 

Get lost in the moonlight 

impossible dreams

Let ‘em fall onto me 

You’re the only one

You’re all I can see

Yeah I know it’s hard to say it

when words aren’t enough

You’re the only one

Take all my days alone 

Now split them into two

Today and tomorrow

I’ll spend the rest with you

So tell me what you see

The pictures in your mind

All of your reasons

caught in between

Let ‘em fall onto me

You’re the only one

You’re all I can see

Oh I know it’s hard to say it

when words aren’t enough

You’re the only one

I don’t know how long this will take

I don’t care what he or she says

All I know is I’m here to stay

So I’ll say it once more

That you’re the only one

You’re all I can see

There’s a million ways to say it 

But I can’t say it enough

You’re the only one 

You’re the only one

You’re all I can see

Yeah I know it’s hard to say it

when words aren’t enough

You’re the only one


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