[가사] Don't Mess Up the Party - 판타모니(Fantamony) | 연애대전(Love to Hate You) OST Lyrics


Don't mess up the party

Don't mess up or leave

Don't mess up my perfect party

I don't want to spend a lot of time

I get what's mine (I got my vibe)

No one ever tried to ruin my vibe

in my whole life (I got my vibe)

Everything's going Ok

My life's always been perfect

But you keep on messing up

my vibe for what

Nah, You injure my pride

Always in my sight

Since you popped out

Everything, I don't get it

Ooh, who the hell are you

Making me confused

I don't know what to do

I don't know why

You been always in my highlight

Not tryna give a shit but too hard

I was about to dive

for new love in my prime time

Why keep on messin' up my cool vibe

(mess up my vibe)

Don't mess up the party

Don't mess up or leave

Don't mess up my perfect party

Don't mess up the party

Don't mess up or leave

Don't mess up my perfect party

I don't need no lover in my way

Do my own job (I got my vibe)

No one ever tried to come so close

in my whole life (I got my vibe)

Everything's going Ok

My life's always been perfect

But I feel like something's pressing

in my heart somehow

Wow, I can't fall in sleep

Something's going deep

Since you popped out

Everything, I don't get it

Ooh, who the hell are you

Making me confused

I don't know what to do

I don't know why

You been always in my highlight

Not tryna give a shit but too hard

I was about to dive

for new love in my prime time

Why keep on messin' up my cool vibe

(mess up my vibe)

Don't mess up the party

Don't mess up or leave

Don't mess up my perfect party

Don't mess up the party

Don't mess up or leave

Don't mess up my perfect party

Don't mess up the party

(Don't mess up the party)

Don't mess up or leave

(Don't mess up or leave)

Don't mess up the party

Don't mess up my perfect party

I don't know why

You been always in my highlight

Not tryna give a shit but too hard

I was about to dive

for new love in my prime time

Why keep on messin' up my cool vibe

(mess up my vibe)

Don't mess up the party

Don't mess up or leave

Don't mess up my perfect party

Don't mess up the party

Don't mess up or leave

Don't mess up my perfect party

이 노래는 자신만의 공간과 분위기를 소중히 여기는 사람의 이야기를 담고 있는 것 같아요. 파티를 즐기고 싶지만 그 속에서 자신의 편안함과 분위기가 깨지지 않도록 주변의 요소들을 조심스럽게 다루고 싶어하는 마음이 노래 속에서 느껴집니다.

가사 속에는 자신만의 분위기를 지키고 싶은 강한 욕구가 담겨져 있습니다. 주변의 방해 요소들을 거부하며 자신의 시간을 소중히 여기는 모습이 보입니다. 그러나 감정적으로는 노래를 통해 어떤 사람이 자신의 삶과 분위기를 교란시키고 있다는 불안감을 표현하고 있습니다. 이는 자신만의 공간과 편안함을 소중히 여기는 사람의 복잡한 내면을 그린 것으로 보입니다.

전반적으로 이 노래는 자신의 분위기와 행복을 지키려는 강한 의지와 동시에 주변의 불안요소에 대한 불안감을 솔직하게 표현하고 있어 많은 이들에게 공감을 줄 것으로 보입니다.


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